Sunday, December 9, 2007

Yahoo: From No. 1 to 6

I am very sad today. My other blog about Catholic Prayers has dropped its listing from No. 1 to only No. 6 on keyword phrase "catholic Advent prayers". I have checked my InLinks (which I'm going to discuss in my future postings) and it has also dropped from 6,400 to 6,020, sometimes only 5,990. This is truly unacceptable to me. The earning is from a dollar to nothing per day. I don't know yet what caused the downfall, but I'll go to the bottom of this.

This only made me realize that there's no exact science about search engine optimization. Ranking algorithms are very complicated and unpredictable.

Nevertheless, this is a challenging situation. I will not quit on this. I know I can do this. I will study hard and will do even more research to accomplish what I've aimed for.

I checked my other keyword "catholic prayers". I went to No. 14 from No.9. I think I wanna cry. :(

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